Site Optimization Tools
Completely free Site Optimization Tools for your sites

Making use of our Site Optimization Tools, you’ll be able to focus on your website’s reputation from your Hosting Control Panel. Via the Sitemap Generator you will get a detailed sitemap for your web site within a few minutes. You could publish the sitemap to search engines so they could crawl your website as fast as possible. Also, through the RSS News syndication tool, you’re able to mount regularly refreshed content on your site, which is a guarantee for better listing positions with major search engines. ITMax Hosting’s GeoIP redirection application will enable you to direct visitors coming from a specified country into a certain language version of your website for more accurate targeting end results.
A Sitemap Generator
For super–quick search engine crawling
A sitemap is a set of all pages within a site that can be accessed by bots and end users. You can use a sitemap to tell major search engines exactly which pages of the website you’ll want to be indexed. In addition, a sitemap may help your web visitors find the way throughout your web site. You’d typically use a third party sitemap software to have a sitemap for your web site. Nonetheless, here, you’ll get a sitemap tool already set up in your ITMax Hosting Hosting Control Panel.
Within the Advanced Applications section, click Sitemap Generator and right after picking out the data format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl key. The sitemap of your web site will be set up in minutes and you will be ready to submit it to the search engines.
GeoIP Redirection
Geographic location–focused redirections with a click
ITMax Hosting gives you an easy way to re–direct your clients according to their location. With the GeoIP redirection tool, you can reroute all visitors who come from a specific area to a native language version of your site. For instance, if you’ve got an Italian version of your website, you can easily forward all of the website visitors from Italy to that web page instead of asking them to move to Italian as soon as they land on the English variation. This will help you present your clients with a user–friendly online experience right from the start.
It is not necessary for any specific skills or technical know–how to use the GeoIP redirection tool. It’s all set up with a click of the mouse.
RSS News
Show the most current headlines within your web site
In the ITMax Hosting Hosting Control Panel, we have integrated a tool, which lets you embed information from the most well–liked news channels on the globe within your sites, with just a mouse click. Our News Publication application operates on auto–pilot and won’t require any additional setup work on your end,
The RSS News Syndication component is fully customizable in terms of HTML and CSS. You could change the total number of publication items that are going to be showcased, the way that they will look like, exactly how they will be arranged, etcetera.