In case you set up a new web site, it’s critical to get the best style and design for it. Through the ITMax Hosting Hosting Control Panel you can do that really quickly. We have for you a selection of over 800 completely unique web site web templates accessible for free. They are presented with every one of our cloud hosting accounts and are also fully easy to customize.

Nearly all of the web templates were created for only our services and aren’t offered elsewhere outside of the Control Panel. Which means that the chances to locate others employing the same theme just like you are usually small.

800+ No Charge Layout Templates

Thoroughly customizable. Automatic Setting up

In our Control Panel you can find a variety of 800+ no charge layout templates. They are all made for any person who hopes to swiftly set up a new web site employing a customizable theme, while not having to spend hours looking a great deal of theme galleries online.

The templates are matched to the most frequent sorts of sites – blogs, portfolio pages, message boards, websites of non–profit organizations, e–stores, enterprise sites, etc.

Free Website Themes

No Charge Web app Layout Templates

Get no charge layout templates for your next application

If you intend to establish a Joomla web site or build a completely new Wordpress blog, we have a solution for you. With the Web Applications Installer, you can easily opt for a no charge layout template when putting together your website. Our wise system is going to add the theme instead of you and the minute your web site will go live, it’ll highlight the website template you’ve selected.

ITMax Hosting’s no charge layout templates are not limited to merely Joomla or WordPress. We have no charge layout templates for Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

No Charge Site Builder Layout Templates

100+ fully easy to customize no charge layout templates

From the ITMax Hosting Control Panel, you will have the ways to access the Free Of Charge Website Generator tool, showcasing more than 100 one–of–a–kind web themes. Every one theme contains a couple of different designs and lots of coloring solutions. You’re free to change these templates how you want.

There’ no requirement to have any kind of experience with HTML as well as CSS to change the designs in the Website Installer. All the work is made via the included manager, which is really easy to employ.

Free Site Builder Themes