If you ever have any questions concerning your hosting plan or you face a problem with your websites, you’ll have to contact the web hosting provider’s help desk support team. It may not make a difference how quickly they will respond if you have a question of a generic nature, but an issue like a misapplied software app update, for instance, may result in your website becoming broken or inaccessible on the web. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to lend you a hand, the longer the website will be inoperative. In case you offer goods or services online, any outage will damagingly affect your site and you can lose current or potential customers. A lot of hosting providers, mainly resellers, answer e-mails and support tickets within 24 hours, but in the Internet realm that is much too long, since clients will hardly ever return to a site that is not working correctly over long spans of time.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Hosting

If you’re using any of our Linux cloud hosting and you’ve got a query or bump into some complication, you can get in touch with us 24/7/365 by opening a helpdesk ticket or by sending an email and we will make sure that you have an answer in no more than an hour. In case the issue can be resolved, we’ll do it before we respond to you, while in case there is something that you have to do on your end, we will give you all the required info – what settings to check, what possible solutions to try, and so on. Normally, you’ll receive an answer within no more than 30 minutes, so waiting around for hours and hours or even for more than 1 day to receive help is something inconceivable. Our 60-minute reply guarantee applies to any enquiry that you may have – billing, general or technical.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

We promise that if you open a ticket from your web hosting Control Panel or write an email related to your semi-dedicated server, you’ll obtain a reply within less than sixty minutes. You can touch base with us at any time with regard to billing, general or technical matters and considering the fact that we’re working 24-7, you’ll always get support without delay. Depending on the particular issue or question, we will supply you with more info, eliminate the problem if it has been caused by something that is within our reach or advise you on what steps to take if you need to configure a given setting for a web-based app that we can’t access. You can forget about waiting around for a day for each and every answer. The fact is, in most cases we respond to emails and tickets within no more than twenty to twenty five minutes.