An email alias is an email address that uses exactly the same mailbox along with the initial email address. For instance, you can have as the actual e-mail address and add an alias Each of the addresses can share the same mailbox, so emails sent to either one of them will be received in one place. You can use aliases for several needs, for example getting in touch with different types of people or registering on websites. For those who begin to get a number of spam, for instance, you can simply remove the alias whilst your actual mailbox won't be impacted by any means and you'll maintain the communication that you need. Aliases in many cases are regarded as a replacement for forwarding emails from one email address to another if you use two or more addresses for contact on your site.

E-mail Aliases in Cloud Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with each cloud hosting plan that we have, will help you set up as many aliases as you want for any of the email addresses that you create in your account. Setting up or deleting an alias will take only a couple of keys to press, so you can manage several emails in one mailbox no matter if you use webmail or an e-mail client on your PC or smart phone. This way, you can take advantage of numerous emails for personal or business emails and save your time by connecting each of them to one or multiple mailboxes. You can even combine having aliases for a specific mailbox and forwarding all of the incoming e-mails from a business to a personal email address if you read the latter more regularly.

E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, that comes with each semi-dedicated server plan we offer, will help you to generate aliases for any active mailbox in your account with just a few clicks. You'll be able to create or delete as many aliases as you need any time. By doing this, you are able to use an individual email for various sections of the exact same website or even for totally different web sites under one company and get your entire electronic communication conveniently in a single place. This will also make it easier for a number of individuals to keep tabs on what is going on. If required, you'll be able to use our e-mail forwarding feature as well, therefore if an e-mail is sent to an alias, it is also sent to a second genuine mailbox.